Society has certain perceptions and misconceptions of how introverts interact in an environment, especially when it comes to contributing in the workplace. Oftentimes, people are quick to speculate that these people are loners, shy, or not team players. We assume these qualities because we only see the surface of an introverted personality. Get to know one, and over time their personality will become more prominent. Being an introvert myself, I have found that I am energized by having my own time to ponder and recharge, rather than being in an environment with interpersonal interactions that can leave me feeling drained. When it comes to working with others as a team, I have often felt this pressure to contribute as much as possible, so that I do not come across as useless or inattentive. For introverts, contributing to a group does not mean “word vomit” or saying whatever comes to mind. Thinking before speaking is a huge part of working interdependently. It also takes time to warm up to a group and depends on how many people are in it. Even if it looks like an introvert is not contributing, it does not mean they are not. Introverted individuals are just as smart and tenacious as extroverts. Usually, an introverted brain is silently going 100 miles per hour, coming up with information that can be useful to the rest of the team. Introverts have outstanding qualities that are beneficial in any workplace. They are great observers, and do not need external reinforcement. They are usually self-starters, do not need others’ approval, are introspective, and have stronger emotional intelligence than the average person. 

Communication Styles

Introverts and shyness go hand in hand and sometimes these individuals will feel extremely anxious towards certain communication styles, especially when put on the spot. It is tremendously important for an extrovert to understand the difference in communication styles of an introvert. Introverts prefer email, instant messages, or texts. Whereas extroverts prefer face to face interactions or phone calls that are more direct. Finding a middle ground when communicating with an introvert can lead to successful interactions. 

Work Environment 

The ideal work environment for an introvert is somewhere they can connect with their team in a not intimidating way. Asking for feedback can be really impactful for an introvert to feel more useful and engaged. Appointing introverted people to work on task forces can be beneficial, especially when they have independent work they can perform, those are ideal tasks. 

Having different personalities in a work environment allows for different leadership styles to help engage, motivate, and create a productive and efficient environment for different types of people, especially introverted individuals.