As the global business workforce continues to endure a largely virtual work environment, the means of communication have also become more important. Being able to effectively communicate with a client optimizes the success of the business venture itself, while also developing a stronger relationship past a certain deadline. For this reason, it is important to recognize culture and adapt to its needs, based on language and communication styles.

Beyond acquiring a new skill set, learning a new language also offers many benefits towards the growth of a company. 

Remote means global

As many of us continue to work from home, globalization has become increasingly more prevalent across the workforce. Not only is it more convenient to hop on a virtual meeting with a client, but it also calls for higher expectations in terms of communication skills and abilities. A global worker no longer has to travel to be able to meet with a potential client from Japan. However, they are expected to be able to communicate effectively during a meeting, while lacking the cultural experience derived from normally living and working from there. The virtual world rids us of physical relationships and experiences, which is why language and cultural competency have become more vital than ever before. 

Teamwork makes the dream work

As cliche as it sounds, teamwork really does make dreams a reality. In this case, it means meeting your monthly business goals and working towards growth and new opportunities. In most cases, teams are composed of multicultural individuals with diverse backgrounds. Without a cohesive group environment, the team will not work cooperatively. In order to facilitate cohesion, group members of diverse backgrounds must feel as though there is a common ground among their colleagues for effective communication. By learning a common language, group members are able to share their ideas with one another, while also being able to take into account the feedback and differing opinions of other members. This functional conflict initiates new ideas and improves performance across the board. 

Overall, language and culture are what make global business possible. Without the prioritization of language and cultural competency in the workplace, the success of a business is limited.