In today’s society, almost anybody who has had the chance to experience the wonderful journey of learning a new language will agree that it takes special skills such as intuition, creativity, logics, and ability to memorize and recall word and structure patterns, in order to be efficient. Learning a language is a multitasking process that requires many individual talents as well as willingness to accept new structures different from the native language. If an individual is willing to invest time and effort into the learning process, he or she will be able to succeed in learning a new language at any given time and age.
Language Advisors Network Group uses a very basic method that believes that the student should be able to converse easily (using a natural process of thinking), as well as reading and writing at the same pace. About 120 years ago, a new “conversational” method was developed that believes that if someone is exposed to a foreign language for a prolonged period of time, just by listening to the new language and repeating everything that was heard (supported by context connection), that person was certain to become fluent in that specific language.
That might not be the right method for a right-brain person who processes information differently from a left-brain person. Cognitive psychologists have proven that even various processing features of a language happen in different regions and hemispheres of the brain. For instance, sounds, timing and other linguistic features are processed in different areas of the brain where memory, syllables and syntax are processed. Right-brain people focus more in the whole picture than the details, whereas left-brain people take concepts in details and then they put the entire picture together. The way they receive information and learn new concepts is completely different.
If we take a group class with 5-10 students, it will be very easy to separate left-brain learners from right-brain learners, however, each individual will have his/her own way of processing various concepts in language acquisition. If the instructor does not take these details into consideration, the group will not be progressing at the anticipated pace. The learning experience will not be the same for everyone in the group.
Based on our research, we recommend using a variety of approaches such as oral, visual and auditory prompts to make the learning process easier and more flexible to the student(s) needs.
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